Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sociology Expirament

For our sociology project, we had to do something that was "deviant". In other words outside of the norm. An example of this would be an 11 year old being pregnant. My group, which had Sydney and Eli Reed decided to test whether girls that dress more "sexy" get what they want more often then more modest girls. So for thirty minutes Sydney and I walked around SDSU asking only guys for quarters to get on the trolley. We did this 2 different times. The first time we were dressed in heels and dresses. The second time we were wearing baggy pants and baggy shirts, no makeup and hair up. Below are pictures of us dressed "sexy" and "conservatively".

Friday, October 9, 2009

Novalina's Biography

Novalina literally means “shooting star”, and that is just what Novalina Betoncourt is. At the age of 30, Novalina has already accomplished so much with her life, but let’s start at the beginning of Ms. Betoncourt’s life and see how she has become such a shooting star. Novalina was born in San Francisco in 1979, but soon moved to San Mateo, just east of San Francisco, where she grew up for the rest of her un adult life until college.

Novalina was a girl that took all AP’s and Honors during high school, but at the same time had a social life and was friends with the “popular” girls at school. Within her family, she became very close to both her mom and dad, claiming that together, they were her “best friends”. Novalina says, “[my dad] taught me to be my authentic self,” which is a piece of advice that she still believes to this day and is even writing about in books. A self proclaimed author, Novalina has written segments within other books and is now beginning the process of having her own book, “The Total Female Package”, published. Although she is writing books at the moment, she doesn’t want to be called an author. “I guess, I’m more of an entrepreneur you could say”, says Novalina about her job. Outside of the work world though, Novalina likes to go dancing, especially since she can relate as a former radio DJ, Novalina claims that dancing is a way of celebrating friendship. At first encounter, one can tell that Ms. Betoncourt is a fun free spirited person. You can especially appreciate her fun spirit when she traveled down to Mexico a couple of years back while in college and ended up getting handcuffed and arrested. When asked 3 words to describe herself, Novalina says “3 words would have to be love, connection and growth.” When asked why, she states that she has 5 values that she lives by that are very similar to the words that describe her, and those words are authenticity, love, growth, connections and relationship.

In the future Novalina hopes to see her book, “The Total Female Package”, become a success and then move on from there to make other “Total Package” books. Aside from her job though, she does want to get married and have children. She even wants to adopt many children. “I would love to have a Brady bunch style family actually.” States Novalina about having kids. Overall, it seems like Novalina Betoncourt is a hard working young woman with her head screwed on straight and is excited to see what the future holds in store for her.