Monday, November 2, 2009

In Defense of Food

I believe that people chose to eat products that are unhealthy for them because there is this idea that healthy foods are not good tasting. I believe people would rather have something taste good than be health conscienscious. I also believe that people are misinformed about what they are eating, whether it is really organic, or if 0 grams of trans fats really means much . Also if they do believe that they are eating something, they really don't know what is going on "behind the scenes," in terms of packaging and hormones being injected, and the food becomes unhealthy unknowingly as a result.

I definately think that the government has a role to fulfill in terms of educating the American population on food. At the moment, it seems so shady, all these companies are trying to hide the real nutrition facts, and hidden chemicals of their food. It would be refreshing and nice if the U.S. told us what are lies and which foods we should be eating. Although I believe that America will never be fully responsible for managing all products, there could definately be some pros and cons to the government taking over this industry. Although right now it seems that the cons outweigh the pros, and that the solution to this food problem is for companies to educate the public and be honest and be honest about their product.


  1. You voiced your statements well. Kept it simple. Reinforced the opinion that people are either misinformed or generally indifferent to what they eat currently.
    Nicely written.

  2. I AGRREE!
    How do we really know how much fat are in our fods and if the labeling is correct on our food labeling.
    Your right,
    Good Job Gangsta :)

  3. nice job poopcicle
    but but but but
    you spelled definitely wrong on the first sentence of the second paragraph
