Wednesday, September 16, 2009

America's foreign policy

For government, we were assigned to write on our opinions regarding America's foreign policy. Below is mine :).

Since about World War 1, America has "helped" out in major wars, such as the world wars, or just trying to "protect" other countries like during the "red scare". I think America feels like its part of the job description of the U.S. to interfere with other countries affairs, whether they want it or not. Overall I believe by medling in other countries business we are doing more wrong then good. It seems within recent years, especially during the Bush administration, that the U.S. has come off as ignorant, arrogant, and annoying really. I think Iraq/Afghanistan was a complete mistake, we made up a reason to go in there basically and kept finding new reasons to stay in there. Besides the fact that alot of people within those countries didnt even want us there, I think we totally disregarded the culture, their religion and beliefs and stomped all over them. There was a definately a much better way of going about this, but the Bush administration seemed to think otherwise, and now we are practically stuck there because we have to finish what we started. We have been in this war longer than any of the world wars, and for non justified reasons I believe. Before you can help anybody else you have to help yourself first, especially during these hard economic times. America should be focusing on dropping our unemployment rate, getting ourselves out of this enormous deficit, things at home. But instead we keeps spreading ourselves thin across the world. Even though we are at war with Iraq, we have many random troops across the world that are pretty unnecessary in my opinion. We are trying to help to many people at one time, but because America has lost very few wars/battles they think its possible to do everything. Don't get me wrong I think its great to go into countries and give aid/help for things such as building schools, stopping genocide,giving out vaccinations those sorts of things. Right now though we have to take care of ourselves, and ensure we are doing well so that we can help others more in the future.


  1. I totally agree, like I think our nation need to look in the mirror and fix itself, how can we fix other people and spread our way of government if we have places in our country that are suffering. There are children in our country that need vaccines, cloths, food, running water that live in really rough low income neighborhoods. And the war in Iraq is a whole other topic..Since George messed up bad the first time he is taking the North Korea issue in a whole new way. We is actually asked the bordering nations-When he was in office-to help control the issue and boycott them, place them under pressure, and did everything diplomatically to keep them from continuing there nuclear missile programs. So i total agree with you Mariana, great post.

  2. Goog job little Marizooboo! I totally agree. The only thing I would fix is a few spelling errors (the first word should be "since" I think) but other then that, tis muy bueno!
    I LOVE CHU!!
    :) Emma
