Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Barmed and the strange Basil

Basil was always a strange little boy. He enjoyed doing strange things like seeing how many rocks he could fit in his mouth or shaving off all the hair on his head except for the one inch above his hairline. What most people didn't understand about Basil, was his obsessive desire to lie about everything. So when Basil one day, ran into his classroom and began yelling "I can fly! I can fly!" Nobody took him seriously or even took the time to glance at him for a second. The class had learned by this point, to never take this boy seriously. For Basil this story was different, this story wasnt a lie. Basil really could fly, all he had to do was place an orange magic turban on the top of his head, position his dog, Barmed, correctly and he was off. What Basil didn't know was that his body and the dog would stay in position, lying on the ground as if they never took off for flight. But in their minds and souls they were up high in the sky and that was real for Basil. So one day when Basil attempted to show what little friends he had his ability to fly, all they saw was a dog and a boy with an orange sheet rapped around his head lying on the ground, almost as if they were asleep. His friends laughed and teased him for lying, but soon meandered away leaving Basil alone with Barmed the dog on the floor. In his sorrow, Basil realized nobody would ever learn, have, or share the experience of flying with anybody else then himself.


  1. i loveed your story about basil; i want a friend just like basil :).
    great story! great imagination!

  2. So did Basil shave his head for better aerodynamics while flying? Good job little Greek! It was very descriptive and interesting. I like the humor that you added also!
