Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Jabba the high fructose corn syrup addict

(2nd from the right)

In governement, we were assigned to create a story based off of one of the characters which Bill Sullivan has photographed within a subway station. Bill sullivan is a "Situational Artist" and takes pictures of moments that would otherwise become a blur among the hustle of bustle of what is known as life. Behind every picture Bill Sullivan takes within this segment, there is a hidden story or meaning that the viewer is meant to interpert themselves. Below is the link to Bill Sullivan's photograph series which my sotyr is based on.


Jabba A.K.A Large and In Charge

This is Big Mac's here, tryin to rep my girl Margarin here. Margarin is a 30 year old women with a critical health condition, not only is her quality of life effected by the fact that she cant fit through most doors, let alone this subway entrance, but she also has a lethal addiction to high fructose corn syrup.

She has made a point within her life to surround herself with all sorts of sugary concoctions, whether its the midnight moon pie, her cocopuffs at breakfeast submerged in A&W Rootbeer, or her deluxe double deep fried chimi changa from Alberto Roberto Filliberto Concerto Mexican restaurant. In fact she loves food so much she has made it so that her job even involves handling the sugary foods she loves so much. Thats why she chose to be one of the lucky few people who fill up vending machines with soda and snacks. Sometimes if she hadn't had her morning Egg McMuffin, Margarin could be seen swiping half the snacks from the vending machine for herself, it would usually subside her hunger for 15 minutes or so, enough time to find a tub of lard or something to coat the inside of her large stomach.

There was one thing in Margarines life that she usually found herself depressed, eating a tub of ice cream over though. No matter how hard she tried, she could not find love. She was even a senior member of chubbychassers.com, avid user and customer for 5 years. She was always a discombobulated mess as a result, never having all her cards and belongings in one place, she couldn't focus on the trivial moments in life when she had no chunky lover in her life. That was until she saw Lady Marmalade at a New York subway one tuesday night. Lady M, we will call her, was running down the hall swiping people swiftly in the head as she galloped down the hall screaming. She was a Majestic beast with her bulging buggy eyeballs. Margarine looked down and saw the bag in Lady M's hand and soon a deep depression came over her face. The orange bag with which Lady M held said in big bold letters "Boi Toys". Margarine felt in her gut and knew in her heart she had no chance now with the majestic woman Lady Marmalade. Margarine slowly slumped herself to the nearest subway car with the glummest face known to mankind. So depressed was Margarine though, that she did not notice Lady M step into the same subway car as Margarine and take a seat. Still in her depressed mindset, Margarine continued to try and take a seat in the same seat as Lady Marmaladae. As Margarine began to fall down into the seat which she desperately needed to sit in, because her legs were so weak from walking for 10 minutes, Lady M began to yelp for help, trying to alert anyone to the problem at hand. But nobody heard her crys for help, for it was to late. Lady Marmalade was fully engulfed by Margarines large gludeus Maximus, and nobody even noticed. Nobody cared. The End.

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